An Investigation into the Current Status of the Spiritual Progress of Humanity, as Ascertained by Interviewing 19 Mediums
In 2023, ISSC President Dr. Melvin Morse became one of the winners of the BICS Challenge, a ground-breaking research program created by the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies to support research into both the survival of human consciousness after physical death and the nature of the afterlife. Together with the ISSC team of associates, which includes Dr. Jose Miguel Gaona, MD, Ph.D., Isabelle Chauffeton Saavedra, Lance Williams Beem, MA, Raymond Moody MD, and AJ Parr, Morse conducted the groundbreaking research with the participation of nineteen hand-picked, certified mediums who were asked to connect with the afterlife over a nine-month period. ISSC used a revolutionary approach using Spiritual Sight (Remote Viewing) and giving the following BICS questions as numbers to assure that the mediums objectively contacted the Other Side and were not influenced by the questions: 1. “Since 1857, has the Other Side failed and Mankind failed to achieve good progress in securing human spirituality? If so, are bad spirits and bad humans winning? (given to the mediums as 621055219) 2. Explain to people on Earth why the Other Side has not failed in fostering spiritual evolution. (given to the mediums as 292846648) 3. What difference has the Other Side made in the past 166 years in influencing humans to accelerate their spiritual progress? (given to the mediums as 879610310) 4. To what extent have earthbound spirits since 1857 impeded, sabotaged, or distorted the progress of human spiritual evolution? (given to the mediums as 106261065) TAKEN FROM THE BICS/ISSC REPORT (ABSTRACT): A scientific team comprising a neuroscientist, forensic psychiatrist, attorney, and a science-trained medium embarked on a groundbreaking journey. They interviewed 19 mediums, each with unique abilities, to delve into the urgent questions about humanity’s spiritual development. These questions, formulated by the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS), challenged the spiritual world to assess humanity’s spiritual progress since the time of Allan Kardec (1857). The questions explore whether humans have progressed spiritually in the past 167-plus years, and if not, who is to blame? Has the spirit world failed humanity, or have humans failed, either by themselves, sabotage, or impediments by corrupted spirits and earthbound entities? One underlying concern is whether humanity’s technology has outstripped its spiritual development, placing itself at risk of extinction. The mediums contacted the highest spiritual entities, including The I AM, St. James, and Allan Kardec, to address these questions. The scientists took a revolutionary approach to interviewing mediums by encoding the questions as numbers and then presenting the numbers to the mediums as questions. The mediums demonstrated proficiency at Spiritual Sight, an advanced form of the US Military Intelligence Services remote viewing protocol. Additionally, they had to demonstrate the ability to shift the flow of electrons in a transistor with their minds. An attorney observed the interviews and a forensic psychiatrist assessed the mediums. The findings revealed that although humans have failed to make significant progress in the past 167-plus years, failure is an essential component of progress. The spirits acknowledged that spiritual progress is often a roller coaster, as wars and catastrophes are often essential learning experiences, yet humanity is currently “upside down on the roller coaster.” The spirit world firmly states and presents evidence that mankind is solely to blame for the current situation. They have consistently provided spiritual guidance, such as the Ten Commandments. They sent prophets, religious leaders, and enlightened individuals such as Martin Luther King Jr. On a personal level, they inspire, nudge, cajole, and manipulate humans to achieve spiritual progress on a daily basis. They cheer humanity on and are partners in their spiritual evolution. The entities contacted provided numerous specific examples of their interventions, from inspiring the scientific advancements of the Enlightenment to creating an Ice Age to move humans around the globe. They stated that they inspired the technology of the Iron Age to create the cultural conditions that directly led to the Axial Age, the birth of the great religions. However, they typically play the “hands-off” role of parents watching their child learn to walk. Although repeated failure is part of the process, parents will intervene when safety is an issue. As one entity said while showing an image of two women driving a car purposely off a cliff: “That is what free will can bring you.” They explained that Earth is a learning center or spiritual school in which benevolent entities expertly and subtly guide human existence. Death is one of the greatest agents in promoting spiritual development, which permits the soul to rest and reflect on what it learned. This understanding of reality challenges prevailing attitudes towards life and death, advocates for a reassessment of humanity’s interaction with the unseen, and emphasizes the importance of deep reflection on how spiritual forces influence human beings. Death is not to be feared—far from it. It is an important mechanism for spiritual growth and often the only time spent reflecting on what has been learned spiritually. However, humans cannot learn from catastrophic failure. This is why the spirit world influenced BICS to ask these questions and share this urgent message with humanity. For more ditails, read the complete report on the BICS website.